HEAlth & safety
Work Health Safety & Environment is the cornerstone to every aspect of our operations. We pride ourselves on being proactive and calculative when it comes to knowing and managing work health safety and environment risk. With a fully compliant WHSE management system operating across every work site, we value communication, consultation, continual improvement and full team commitment to safety and zero injuries. In the same spirit, we commit to minimising the impact our activities have on the environment with a focus on carbon and work place pollution abatement.
With a fully engaged and practised work health safety management system we work hard towards our policy of:
- Complying with all statutory requirements, codes, standards and guidelines including Occupational Health & Safety Act 2004 (Victoria), Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2007
- Setting up objectives and targets with the aim of eliminating work related incidents in relation to our activities, products and services; and
- Defining roles and responsibilities for work health and safety.
Strategies will include:
- Ensuring work health and safety management principles are included in all organisational planning activities;
- Providing ongoing education and training to all of our employees;
- Consulting with employees and other parties to improve decision-making on work health matters;
- Ensuring incidents are investigated and lessons are learnt within the organisation;
- Distributing work health and safety information, including this policy, to all employees and other interested parties;
- Providing enough resources to ensure work health and is a central part of the organisation; and
- Ensuring effective injury management and rehabilitation is provided to all employees.